Results for "co-responder"

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Results for "co-responder"

Mental Health Co-Responders in schools

Colorado has had success deploying mental health professionals to calls alongside police officers. A school district in northern Colorado is hoping it will also be successful in the classroom. In order to respond to calls inside schools, Thompson School District...

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Co-Responder Team Bridges Mental Health Gap for Youth

Bridging the gap with Co-Responder Teams in Thompson School District (Photo by Thompson School District, January 30, 2023) Providing support for the approximately 15,000 students in Thompson School District requires the work of hundreds of staff members, including the...

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New Youth Crisis Response Team Co-responder program

School district invites mental health co-responders to assist school resource officers While nearly every district has school resource officers, very few have mental health clinicians working with them. Thompson School District (TSD) has paired social workers with...

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Co-responder program yields positive results

Co-responder program yields positive results for law enforcement and clients  One of the programs I am most proud of here at SummitStone began in 2016 as a response to the increasing number of calls police were answering that were not necessarily criminal in nature,...

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Mental health Co-responder helps free up police/EMS

A mental health Co-responder can help respond to calls in which a mental or behavioral health issue is involved in hopes of helping funnel people to the resources they need instead of just sending them into the criminal justice system and continuing the cycle....

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July Spotlight: Co-Response Services

July 15, 2024 - SummitStone Health Partners teams up with local law enforcement and emergency services to offer behavioral health support right where it is needed by embedding mental health experts within critical response teams. Called co-responders, they work...

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