Addiction FAQs

Addiction FAQs

What is drug addiction? Drug addiction is the most severe form of a substance use disorder (SUD). An SUD develops when a person’s continued use of alcohol and/or drugs causes significant issues, such as health problems, disability, and failure to meet responsibilities...
NoCo Overdose Awareness

NoCo Overdose Awareness

What is Overdose Awareness Day? August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day, and we pause to honor those who have died from an overdose and to reflect on the grief of those they left behind. Many continue to live with the stigma associated with having a close...
Free Booklets and Brochures – Substance Use Disorder

Free Booklets and Brochures – Substance Use Disorder

Faces of Change: Do I Have a Problem With Alcohol or Drugs? ( This resource explores the lives of five characters living with different substance use disorder conditions. It illustrates the stages of change and the value of treatment, recovery, and...