September is National Recovery Month

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September 14, 2023 – National Recovery Month is an opportunity for advocacy and celebration that recovery is possible, and help is available. It is a time to come together as a community to promote awareness for evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, like the ones we at SummitStone are pioneering. It is also a time to honor those in recovery. While we know that setbacks may happen, we also know that is often part of the journey, and a time where our work becomes even more imperative.

While I embrace the concept of building advocacy and awareness through a dedicated month, I also feel strongly that every month is Recovery Month here at SummitStone. This is reflected in our Mission: We serve our communities by fostering trust, empowering recovery, and inspiring hope. This statement embodies what we do –we live and breathe recovery every day.

This is also established in our Core Values, one of which is Come as you are. We believe people can and do recover. No matter where you are on your journey, we will walk alongside you, honor your experiences, and be a partner to help you achieve your goals.

The following websites provide a wealth of information on National Recovery Month: